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Swinton Park
Accommodation in England > Swinton Park

Swinton Park is the ancestral seat of the Earl of Swinton, and is currently owned by the Earl’s son, Mark, who is the Baron of Masham. The earliest part of the building dates from the late 1600’s, but it was extensively altered during both the Georgian and Victorian periods. It was during the 1700’s that the 200 acres of parkland, lakes and gardens were laid out in the style of Capability Brown, with a walled garden that has been recently restored.

The Cunliffe-Lister family (who later took the Swinton title), bought Swinton Park and the surrounding estate in the early 1880’s. At the time, the estate had been shortlisted by Queen Victoria as a possible country residence, but she chose Sandringham in Norfolk instead, where the shooting was said to be a little less challenging. There is a strong political history at Swinton Park, with Mark’s great grandfather a cabinet minister for Churchill and his grandfather (Willie Whitelaw) the deputy prime minister for Margaret Thatcher, and the house is full of memorabilia and family portraits. Guests at Swinton Park are able to enjoy the country house experience of days gone by, with country pursuits available on the estate such as shooting, fishing, riding, falconry and golf.

Mark and his wife, Felicity, converted the castle into a hotel in 2001, following an extensive refurbishment. Great care was taken to maintain the ambience and traditions of a stately home, whilst integrating contemporary comforts such as a spa and spacious bathrooms. The rooms are lavishly furnished, with a private sitting room and dining room available for private parties, and the award winning cuisine uses fresh seasonal ingredients sourced from the walled garden and surrounding estate.