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Maunsel House

Accommodation in England > Maunsel House

Maunsel House - 13th Century Manor

Maunsel House is a magnificent 13th Century Manor set in 100 acres of stunning parkland at the heart of sprawling 2,000 acre Estate, compromising of farms, lakes, woodlands, walnut groves, orchards, Somerset Wetlands, cottages and ancient barns. In AD 1086 (Doomsday), the manor was called Maunsel, being derived from the French meaning ‘Sleeve of Land’ and was granted to Count Eustace of Boulogne, kinsman of William the Conqueror.

Maunsel House - four-poster bedroom

Currently the Ancestral seat of the Slade Family and home of Sir Benjamin Slade Bt. and Kirsty, the house can boast such visitors as Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote part of the Canterbury Tales whilst staying here. At the time of Henry II,William De Erleigh granted Maunsel to Philip Arbalistarius as a dowry to his daughter Mabel on payment of two pigs every Whitsuntide at his court of Durston. Thereafter the estate passed to the Bacon family of Norfolk and then to the Slade family who, between 1772 and 1868, built two further wings of Maunsel, to the North and West.

Maunsel House - dining room

General Sir John Slade, who bought Maunsel House in 1772, was awarded 1st Baronet for services during the war. He also famously danced with Marie Antoinette who gave him a snuff box when he was a young man. Sir Thomas Slade who was a Naval architect, designed Nelsons Ship ‘Victory’. A model of the ship itself can be found on the upstairs landing of Maunsel House.

In more recent times, Sir Ben has undertaken an extensive restoration programme for both the house and the surrounding estate. This has included the buying back of various parts of land sold off by ancestors and returning the house to a befitting state. More Than Good Manners look forward to introducing you to the many splendours of Maunsel House.

Maunsel House - historic estate