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Oxburgh Hall
Accommodation in England > Oxburgh Hall

Oxburgh Hall was built in 1482 by Sir Edmund Bedingfeld and has remained the home of the Bedingfelds for more than 500 years. The gatehouse is reflected in the tranquil moat and is surrounded by formal gardens and herbaceous borders. As one of the premier Roman Catholic families of England they were given a baronetcy in 1661 by Charles 11. Oxburgh Hall abounds with heraldry and celebrates the antiquity of the Bedingfeld family. Henry V11 stayed at Oxburgh Hall in 1487, and of course his room has been called the Kings Room ever since. Giles Joly de Lotbiniere is a direct descendant of Henry V11, and thus the historical links of the aristoractic families continue. Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned by her cousin Quenn Elizabeth 1 and during her captivity Mary spent many hours creating wonderful tapestries which are displayed at Oxburgh Hall.

Due to their staunch Catholic faith the Bedingfeld family were persecuted during the difficult times following the Reformation. Thus Oxburgh Hall is well known for its priest hole, where Catholic priest hid in the event of a "raid". The room is reached via a trapdoor, which when closed blends in with the tiled floor, it is open to visitors! The Hall is also a popular location for film and television series, including brief appearances in "Dad's Army" and was also the setting for the 19994 television dramatisation "Love on a Branch Line".

For those with an historical interest in royalty and heraldry then a visit to Oxburgh Hall is a must.